Pricing And Availability Guide

A guide to pricing your property

Our Pricing Calendar

The pricing calendar is a powerful tool that allows you to set up complex pricing rules for your property. You can set up discounts based on the length of stay, last-minute discounts, early bird discounts, and more. You can also set up restrictions on the minimum and maximum length of stay, and check-in and check-out days.

Existing Homeowners

Existing homeowners that are on our old pricing system will continue to be so, until they decide to activate their new system. On the main tab for your property, you will now see "Old Prices" and "Prices". The Old Prices tab will take you to the old pricing system, the Prices tab will take you to the new one. At the top of the Prices tab, you will see a button to "Activate". This will switch you over to the new pricing system. Nothing you change in the new system will be shown to holiday makers until you activate it. Screenshot of the 'Old Prices' and 'Prices' tabs in the Simply Owners property dashboard

Calendar Overview

This is the pricing calendar when viewed on a large screen. On the right is the calendar itself, this will show relevant pricing information for each day. On the left are the tabs where you can edit pricing and availability rules. Pricing calendar interface displaying pricing information for each day and editable pricing and availability rules

On smaller screens only the calendar itself will show. On the top left of the calendar there is an "Edit Pricing" button, this will open the tabs where you can edit pricing and availability rules. 'Edit Pricing' button located at the top left of the calendar interface on smaller screens

Base Pricing

At the top of the "Pricing" tab you will see a header "Base Price". You will be able to change: Your currency, Your default price and add a special weekend price. 'Base Price' section in the 'Pricing' tab, showing options to change currency, default price, and add a special weekend price.

Changing the the currency you wish to use is very intuitive. Clicking on the currency button which will open up a new new tab. this tab will have a dropdown of all the currencies we currently support. Select the one you wish to use and click save. Currency selection dropdown menu in the 'Base Price' section.

Your default price is what your property will cost per-night. To change it, click on the default price button, this will open a new tab. In the field, type what you want your default price to be and click save. Field to set the default per-night price for the property.

You can optionally create a special weekend price. This will override your default price on the days that you class as weekends. Clicking on the "Add" button will open the "Custom Weekend Pricing" tab. On this tab you can do two things. First, you can decide what days you class as weekends. At the top you will see buttons representing the days of the week, the one's in green represent the weekend. Clicking on the buttons will turn them green or back to gray. Second, you can set the price for the weekend. In the field, type what you want your weekend price to be and click save. In the video below, the owner has set the their weekend days to be on Fridays and Saturdays, and their weekend price to be £2000. 'Custom Weekend Pricing' tab with options to select weekend days and set a weekend price.

If you no longer wish to use a weekend price, it can be removed by clicking on the "Remove" button. 'Remove' button to delete the special weekend price.


The next section down on the pricing tab is "discounts". This is where you can set up discounts for your property. 'Discounts' section in the 'Pricing' tab, listing various discount options.

There are currently five types of discounts that can be set:

  • Early Bird discount. This allows you to set up a discount based on the number on months before a booking e.g if a booking happens 3 months or more beforehand, the holidaymaker a discount.
  • Last Minute discount. This allows you to set up a discount based on the number of days before a booking. e,g if a booking happens 7 days or less before the booking, the holidaymaker gets a discount.
  • Low Occupancy discount. This allows you to set up a discount based on the number of people staying.
  • NHS discount. This allows you to set up a discount for NHS workers.
  • Length of Stay discount. This allows you to set up a discount based on the number of nights the holidaymaker stays. e.g if a holidaymaker stays for 7 nights or more, they get a discount.

All discounts and fees get added automatically when a holidaymaker chooses dates for a booking. To see how they are applied, please click here

On the main pricing tab you can quickly set two length of stay discounts: Weekly and Monthly. These are not the only length of stay discounts, but are the most common. To set a weekly, or monthly discount, click on the "Weekly" or "Monthly" button. This will open a new tab, set the percentage discount you want and click save. Tabs for quickly setting weekly or monthly length of stay discounts.

In order to add more discount, click on the "More Discounts" button, this will show every discount that can be applied. 'More Discounts' button displaying additional discount options.

To set an Early Bird discount, click on the "Add a discount" button. This will open a tab that has two fields: "Months before arrival" and "Discount". The months before arrival is how many months in advance the booking has to be made to get the discount. The discount is the percentage discount. Edit early bird discounts

The Last Minute discount is the similar to early bird, except it is based on the number of days or less before arrival. Edit last minute discounts

The low occupancy discount has two fields "When number of guests are below" and "Low Occupancy Discount Per Night". The default for "guest number below" is 2, which means it would only be given if 1 guest was staying. You cannot add a low occupancy discount if you have an extra guest fee. Infants under the age of 2 are not counted as guests. Edit low occupnacy discounts

NHS discounts for NHS workers. It is up to the homeowner to verify the NHS status of the holidaymaker. Edit NHS discounts

Length Of Stay discounts are a bit different to the other discounts, as there can be many of them. Click "Add a discount" or "Add another" if there is already one. On the Length Of Stay tab, there is a dropdown of multiple nights to choose from, you can add a discount for as many as you wish. Edit length of stay discounts

All discounts have a remove button, if you no longer wish to use a discount.
Remove early bird discounts Remove length of stay discounts


The next section down on the pricing tab is "Additional Charges". Clicking on the button will take you to the "Charges" tab. This is where you can set up charges for your property. Additional charges area showing charges that can be added.

There are currently three charges:Cleaning fee, Pet fee and Extra Guest fee. They are all automatically applied to the price.

In addition to the standard cleaning fee, you my create a short stay cleaning fee for people who spend 2 nights or less at your property. Add a cleaning fee to pricing.

The pet fee can be set "Per Stay" or "Per Pet Per Stay". Add a pet fee to pricing

The extra guest fee can add a fee for every guest after a chosen amount. You cannot set an extra guest fee if you have a low occupancy discount. Infants under the age of 2 are not counted as guests. Add an extra guess fee to pricing

Custom Pricing

The custom prices tab is the area to add custom prices that override prices for specified days. This is also the tab where you can block dates. Custom pricing tab to override prices and view blocked days

There are two ways to add a custom price. The first is to click on the "Add New" button. This will open a new tab where you can set a custom price between two dates. Once the price has been saved, you will see it on the calendar in green. First way to add a custom price The second way to add a custom price to your calendar, is to alick and drag across the calendar. You dont even have to be on the custom pricing tab when you do this. Second way to add a custom price

Once you have some custom prices added you can see them in the table. By default the table will show dates for the current year and not any in the past. You can change the year by clicking on the year dropdown (or click "all" to see all years). You can show past dates by clicking the show past dates checkbox. View past dates of custom prices You can click on the dates in the table and edit them. Edit custom prices from the table

Adding blocked dates is very similar to adding custom prices. You can either, click the "Add New" button, or click and drag across the calendar. Then you click the "Block Dates" button. Dates that are blocked cannot be booked by holidaymakers. Block dates that cannot be booked

You can unblock dates by clicking the unblock button in the blocks table, or you can select the dates on the calendar and then click unblock. Unblock blocked dates to make them available again


The availability tab is where you can restrict the availability for your property based on the rules you set. You can set: The minimum and maximum nights, how much advance notice you require and check-in and check-out days. Availability Tab showing rules you can set.

The minimum and maximum nights are the number of nights a holidaymaker can book a stay at your property. Change the minimum or maximum length of stay

The advanced notice is the number of days before a booking that a holidaymaker can book. Change the advanced notice period

The availability window is the number of months or years in the future that a holidaymaker can book. Change how far in the future to accept bookings

The restrict check-in and check-out days can be used to prevent the holidaymaker being able to check-in/out on certain days. Clicking on the restrict days button will take you to the form that allows you to do this. The form has 7 "day" buttons for restricted check-in and another 7 for restricted check-out. The buttons in green are the days a holidaymaker can check-in, the buttons in red are the days they cannot. Clicking on the buttons changes their colour. Restrict certain week days for checkin and checkout

Rule Sets

The final tab you will see is Rule-Sets. Rule-Sets are an advanced feature that allows you to override the default pricing and availability rules on your main calendar. This has its own guide that can be viewed here