How Discounts Are Applied

The Tier Order

The discount system on Simply Owners runs on a Tier system. The discounts that are applied first come from tier 1, then tier 2, and so on.

In addition, any Rule-Set nightly price adjustment will happen BEFORE any discount.

The tier order is as follows:

  1. Length Of Stay Discount
  2. Early Bird Discount / Last Minute Discount
  3. Low Occupancy Discount
  4. NHS Discount

As you can see, the Early Bird Discount and Last Minute Discount are in the same tier, this means that only the highest of the two will be applied (for that tier).


A Property has an initial cost of £1000. The property has a 10% Length Of Stay Discount and a 10% Last Minute Discount. The discount will be calculated as follows:

£1000 - 10% = £900 (Length Of Stay Discount)

£900 - 10% = £810 (Last Minute Discount)

The total discount applied is £190, not £200. So the final price (before any charges) is £810.